Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Sunday 'cans'

I was buying for my sister (and her family) this Christmas, and she said she'd like some 'reverent' toys and activities for a Sunday.  So I looked through my pins on Pinterest to get some inspiration, and got loads, now which ones to choose!?!??! 

I decided to do some Sunday 'cans'...a small 'can' full of ideas of activities that can be done on a Sunday, plus a big 'can' that can be used to store games/book/activities etc.  I used the tutorial below from 'Shabby Beach Nest' blog to help with the general idea for making my lollipop sticks for the smaller can.

I used some ideas from the Friend magazine to help come up with a list of activities that were appropriate for a Sunday....

The 'Sunday Cans' labels and list of ideas can be downloaded below and then printed on your chosen paper or card.

Cut the paper into equal strips, then apply lots of DIY Mod Podge to the back of the paper/card strip...

Hold the large lollipop stick and the wet paper/card strip up to the light/window and line them up so that the words are central and push together hard, smoothing all out bumps.  Then lay them out to dry.

Once dry, trim off any excess paper using scissors and then brush around the edge with sandpaper, it gives them a nicer finish as you can see from the lollipop sticks as the top of the photo below.

I made some blank sticks as well so that my sister could write on activities/ideas that I hadn't listed.  

For the cans, I used my DIY Mod Podge again to stick the card to them, and then I brushed the Mod Podge all over the top of the card too, just to make sure they were stuck on real tight...and they're done!! :)


  1. THANK YOU so much for this great idea! Our church time this year is from 2-5, so all morning I hear echoes of "I'm boooorrred!" I'm putting this together this week, so next Sunday can be more peaceful. Thank you so much for sharing!


    1. You're welcome Jace, I hope they entertain your children as much as they have mine??! :)

  2. LOVE this!!! What a great idea to have Sunday Cans instead of Cannots! If you're interested, check out my list of things for kids/families to do on Sundays here: http://fhelessons.wordpress.com/2012/08/03/honoring-the-sabbath/

    1. Thank you...I've just had a look through your blog and it's great, lots of ideas for Sundays and future FHEs...so thank you :)
